SALTECH has been responsible for design and project management for conversions on nearly every kind of ship from ultra large crude oil tankers to specialized diving support vessels and passenger ships.

Feasibility study
In a project for a vessel conversion we may start with a technical-economical feasibility study and/or a preliminary design to form basis for the investment decision. If the client decides to proceed, SALTECH will compile a technical requirement specification. When the client has approved the design SALTECH will suggest suitable makers and contractors, produce the tender documents on account of the client and evaluate offers from prospective contractors. During contract negotiations SALTECH will advise the client in technical matters and about the technical content of the contract.
Project management
After signing of contract SALTECH will undertake complete project management including survey/approval of design and products from the contractors and suppliers. During the conversion stage SALTECH will supervise the work and attend the trials and commissioning.

Contact us for naval architecture and marine engineering services
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